Thursday, January 21, 2010


In the garden of the Avengers West Coast compound, the Scarlet Witch sat cross-legged on the ground, peacefully communing with nature.

Suddenly, her reverie was interrupted by crunching footsteps. The Scarlet Witch swiftly turned her head and saw, to her partial relief, that it was not an invading villain, but rather Spider-Woman and Spider-Woman’s daughter on their way out of the compound. However, her partial relief turned to pure anger when Spider-Woman looked over at her and they made eye contact. The Scarlet Witch was, to say the least, not happy with the way Spider-Woman had voted a few weeks earlier, and she gave Spider-Woman the proverbial Evil Eye.

“Mommy,” asked Spider-Woman’s daughter, “why is she looking at us like that?”

“It’s grown-up stuff, sweetie,” replied Spider-Woman, “nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”

Spider-Woman and her daughter finished exiting the compound, and the Scarlet Witch went back to being one with nature.


Meanwhile, inside the compound, Hawkeye was thinking that he didn’t know how many more blows to his fragile peace of mind he could take.

“My heart’s just not in it anymore,” said Living Lightning to Hawkeye, “it hasn’t been since the outer space incident. I hope you understand.”

“I do.” replied Hawkeye resignedly. “Believe ya me, I do. Best of luck at college, Miguel.”

“Thanks.” said Living Lightning.

The two men shook hands, and Living Lightning walked out of the conference room. Hawkeye sat down at the table and let out a heavy sigh. He leafed through his divorce papers – Mockingbird’s vote to keep Iron Man & Wonder Man in the team had been the final nail in the coffin of her marriage to Hawkeye. Suddenly finding himself pining for what they’d had a long time ago, Hawkeye angrily tossed the papers back on the table, got up, and walked to the window, where he saw the Scarlet Witch in the garden.


Tony Stark contemplated the impressive sight of his latest invention. It had occupied all his time these past few weeks. He told himself, with no little sense of satisfaction, that work was all the therapy he REALLY needed, and that he’d never make the mistake of seeking therapy again.

All work and no play makes Tony a dull boy? Well, his alcoholism ruled out partying, while promiscuity was impossible in the age of AIDS. Work was his life, life was his work.

He had also taken some time to ruminate on the situation with Clint. Tony was now more convinced than ever that changes had to be made to the Avengers West Coast. He wondered hopefully whether they were coming around to seeing things his way.


The Scarlet Witch heard footsteps again, and turned her head again. This time, she saw Hawkeye approaching her.

“Wanda, could I trouble ya for a minute o’ yer time?”

“Sure, Clint. What is it?”

“I was just an’ I have been in the superhero business for the exact same amount o’ time, an’ I was just ya still enjoy it?”

“Quite honestly, no. I can only live with it by looking at it as a hobby.”

“I was also thinking that maybe Tony had a point about changing with the times...but I can’t change me. Like my hero Popeye, ‘I yam what I yam.’ Maybe there’s not a place in this scary new world for old-timers like us...uh...I mean, offense, Wanda. Sorry.”

“None taken.”

The sound of footsteps was followed by the sound of Dr. Pym’s voice. “I’m glad to find out I’m not the only one who’s been thinking about that.”

“Oh, stop it, all of you.” said the Wasp, buzzing around the other three veteran heroes. “As long as there’s evil in the universe, there’s gonna be a place for real heroes.”

“I wanna believe ya,” said Hawkeye wistfully, “I really do.”


U.S. Agent dashed through a typical backstreet of Los Angeles, while Wonder Man followed him by flying close to the ground.

“I gotta tell ya, Wondy, you lucked out! You got to kick alien butt and help kill a genocidal maniac, while I got stuck with a buncha lame-os who got creamed by the bad guys.”

“Whatever.” muttered Wonder Man. “It wasn’t as great as you think.”

U.S. Agent changed the subject. “According to my snitch, there’s some kinda villainy afoot at an industrial park near here. Hopefully, he’s right, cause I really need something to hit.”

Wonder Man quietly and reluctantly admitted to himself that he shared U.S. Agent’s need for naked aggression. That nega-radiation had definitely done something to him, not just his body but his personality. And he had trouble focusing, and was hungry all the time.

“Y’know, Wondy,” U.S. Agent said more to himself than to his teammate, “villains are so damn predictable. Always hiding out in industrial parks, warehouses, condemned buildings, always with their stupid plans that get undone by their own stupidity. And yet they get away all the time and then they come back for another butt-kicking from us good guys. Hell, I think it’s time we just rounded them up and shot ‘em all.”

“Here’s the industrial park.” said Wonder Man in a detached voice as he sped up and flew ahead of U.S. Agent.

“Wondy, be careful,” warned U.S. Agent, “there might be a...”

Suddenly, a massive laser burst caught Wonder Man off-guard and sent him to the ground, unconscious.


“Like flies to rotted meat, the heroes come to their doom!” declared a shrill, echoing voice.

U.S. Agent looked up to see the villain standing above him on a walkway.


“Yes, it is I!” said the evil robot, “And all life is now forfeit...starting with the two of you!”

Ultron dodged U.S. Agent’s flying shield as he leapt off the walkway and landed on his cybernetic feet. Agent caught his shield as it returned to him, and he dived for cover behind a pile of scrap just before Ultron opened fire with his laser blasts.


At the Avengers West Coast compound, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Dr. Pym were reminiscing.

“You shoulda been there when Wanda brought A WHOLE METEOR down on Kang’s robot!” laughed Hawkeye.

“I still remember how good that felt.” smiled the Scarlet Witch.

Suddenly, the alarm rang.

The Wasp got to the master computer first, by flying. “It’s U.S. Agent sending a code red.”

“Get a fix on his location while you patch him through.” ordered Hawkeye.

Agent’s voice crackled through the speakers. “Agent to Compound. Ultron’s back, Wondy’s down, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep dodging this tin maniac!”

“ALL RIGHT!” whooped Hawkeye. “Ultron’s back. Time for some good old-fashioned fun!” Then, after a beat, he added, “Uh...I mean...we’ll round up the others an’ be there right away, Agent. Hawkeye out.”

Hawkeye raised his bow above his head and said the words that still sent a chill down the spines of those present: “AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE!”


“I’m on my way, Clint.” said Tony into his Avengers communication card.

Now, thought Tony, was his chance – and Iron Man’s chance – to prove that might made right. That force worked. And his new invention was the perfect catalyst. It was an austerely gray new armor that would turn him into the scourge of super-villains everywhere, a veritable war machine!

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